package org.openlcb.can; import org.openlcb.*; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static java.lang.Thread.sleep; /** * Implementation of Node ID Alias assignment computation. * Provides and processes frames, but other code must move them * to and from the actual interface. * It also requires subclassing to provide a timer function. * * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright 2009, 2010 * @version $Revision: 3946 $ */ public class NIDaAlgorithm implements CanFrameListener { /// Callback to invoke when the alias was successfully reserved. private Runnable done; private CanFrameListener sendInterface; private Timer timer; private TimerTask task; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(new Object(){}.getClass().getSuperclass() .getName()); private synchronized void scheduleTimer(long delay) { task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { timerExpired(); } }; timer.schedule(task, delay); } public NIDaAlgorithm(NodeID n) { nid = n; nida = new NIDa(n); } public NIDaAlgorithm(NodeID n, CanFrameListener sendInterface) { this(n); this.sendInterface = sendInterface; timer = new Timer(); } public void start(Runnable done) { this.done = done; scheduleTimer(100); } public OpenLcbCanFrame nextFrame() { OpenLcbCanFrame f; if (index<4) { f = new OpenLcbCanFrame(nida.getNIDa()); long id = nid.toLong(); int varfield = (int)((id >> ((3-index) * 12)) & 0xfff); logger.fine(String.format("Sending CID frame, id %x, varfield %x", id, varfield)); f.setCIM(index, varfield, nida.getNIDa()); } else if (index == 4) { f = new OpenLcbCanFrame(nida.getNIDa()); f.setRIM(nida.getNIDa()); complete = true; } else { // send nothing f = null; } index++; return f; } public int getNIDa() { return nida.getNIDa(); } public void processFrame(OpenLcbCanFrame f) { if (f == null) return; // as a convenience, ignore // System.out.println("process "+Integer.toHexString(f.getNodeIDa()) // +" vs our "+Integer.toHexString(nida.getNIDa())); if (f.getSourceAlias() != nida.getNIDa()) return; // not us if (f.isCIM() && complete) { // CIM with our alias: send RIM index = 4; cancelTimer(); } else { // other frame with our alias: reset and start over index = 0; complete = false; nida.nextAlias(); cancelTimer(); } } public boolean isComplete() { return complete; } protected void cancelTimer() { if (timer == null) return; // Probably running from a unit test. if (task == null || task.cancel()) { // Task was not yet run. scheduleTimer(0); } } protected void timerExpired() { if (index == 0) { while (index < 4) { sendInterface.send(nextFrame()); } scheduleTimer(200); } else if (index == 4) { sendInterface.send(nextFrame()); if (done != null) {; done = null; } } } int index = 0; NodeID nid; NIDa nida; boolean complete = false; @Override public void send(CanFrame frame) { processFrame(new OpenLcbCanFrame(frame)); } }