NMRA National in Salt Lake City — LCC Clinics

Guide to LCC Clinics at Salt Lake

Sunday 7 July 2019
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM C1012     A Non-Technical Introduction and Overview of LCC
John Forsythe, MMR

Tuesday 9 July 2019
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM C3054     Adding Signals to Your Layout with LCC
Dick Bronson

Tuesday 9 July 2019
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM C3064     Signalling with LCC
Dick Bronson

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM C3074     A Technical Introduction and Overview to LCC
Stuart Baker

8:30 PM – 10:30 PM C3084   Build Your Own Layout with LCC
Balazs Racz

Thursday 11 Jul 2019
2:30 PM – 4:00 PMC5054      The Making of a DCC/LCC Throttle
John Socha-Leialoha


A Non-Technical Introduction and Overview – 1 hour

  • Defining what LCC is (…and is not)
  • The benefits of LCC, and its comparison with other / proprietary systems
  • What capabilities does LCC have (signaling, accessory control, etc…)
  • Demonstration of a working LCC layout with the latest products including a working LCC compatible DCC command station and working LCC signaling and turnout control
  • Summary of the current state of LCC as well as a vision for the future

A Technical Introduction and Overview – 1 hour

This session is intended to be highly technical.  The details of how the LCC and OpenLCB protocols work will be presented and discussed.  This is considered training for anyone interested in the production of an LCC product (professional, kit, DIY, etc…), or anyone who wants to better understand the details of how the LCC and OpenLCB protocols work.  Several of the LCC product design pitfalls (to be avoided) will also be presented and discussed.

All of the proposed LCC protocols go through a period where they are available for public comment.  This session provides good background and training for anyone who is wishing to review proposed LCC standards ahead of adoption by the NMRA.

Building Your Own Layout with LCC – 2 to 3 hours

This clinic shows the practical side of LCC, and familiarizes the audience with the products, wiring, and tools needed to set up a layout. We will do this in the most pragmatic manner possible by walking in the door with a box of off-the-shelf components and wires, and walking out with a functional layout section. We’ll set up basic layout control like throwing turnouts, fascia panels, and JMRI control, as well as more advanced features like block detection, railroad crossings, and ABS signaling.

Adding Signals to your Layout with LCC – 1 hour

  • Basic principles of signal control, where do existing methods and systems fit in.
  • Some benefits of using LCC for signaling.
  • What capabilities are available in today’s LCC signal hardware.
  • Some examples of implementing ABS signals on a simple layout.
  • Demonstration of a working LCC layout with the latest products including a working LCC compatible DCC command station and working LCC signaling and turnout control.

The Making of a DCC/LCC Throttle – 1 hour

This is about a collaborative effort between several private individuals and an established model railroad electronics manufacturer attempting to bring to market an innovative throttle that is compatible with the newly established LCC standards as well as interoperable with non-LCC control systems.  All aspects of the design effort from mechanical and user interface to software implementation will be discussed.

This is intended to be a fun, high level overview with broad appeal to a wide variety of participants including those with little or no technical expertise.

OpenLCB Users’ Group Meeting – 2 hours

The OpenLCB group is a research and development organization of volunteers that develops communication standards and protocols for model railroad control. Once an OpenLCB standard has been developed and vetted through multiple prototype implementations, it becomes a candidate for adoption into the accepted NMRA LCC standards.  The acceptance process includes a comment period that is open to the public.

The purpose of this meeting is to present to members of the public the work that is ongoing within the OpenLCB organization.  One of OpenLCB’s goals is to be thinking many years into the future in terms of model railroad control technology. During this meeting the public has an opportunity to provide feedback as well as propose new ideas to be investigated.  This meeting also provides an opportunity to meet some of the individuals behind OpenLCB and LCC, as well as a networking opportunity for those individuals who would like to become more involved as volunteers themselves. The discussion will be both technical and non-technical.

This session is intended to be a discussion, and audience participation is highly encouraged.

Posted in News Articles.